This month, students in Benjamin Franklin Elementary School in Kirkland were among the first to benefit from Lake Washington Schools Foundation’s Inclusive Libraries grant.

“I am very grateful to the Lake Washington Schools Foundation for supporting our libraries in our diversification efforts. Franklin Elementary, like much of LWSD, has a very diverse demographic,” says Teacher Librarian Leann Clawson.

“The ability to purchase books that reflect our students is important in building community and allowing students to see beyond themselves.”

As part of the grant, Leann participated in training to perform a diversity audit of the fiction collections in her school’s library. Additional funding was provided to select and purchase new books based on needs identified in her diversity audit.

With the Foundation’s grant, Leann was able to purchase 109 books to help increase the diversity of her school’s library collection.

Leann Clawson, Teacher Librarian at Ben Franklin Elementary School

These new purchases didn’t stay on the shelves for long. As soon as the books became available for borrowing, students rushed to check them out of the library.

Leann explains, “These books have already generated excitement for reading and sparked conversations that are leading to a deeper understanding for each other.”

Learn more about Lake Washington Schools Foundation’s Inclusive Libraries Grant.

Bonnie is the Communications and Programs Coordinator for Lake Washington Schools Foundation.

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