In spring 2022, our Kids Coming Together program gathered students from all over Lake Washington School District to create Thank You cards and posters for teachers and staff.

Kids and teens from all over Lake Washington School District were excited for the opportunity to express their gratitude for LWSD staff. Together, they created Thank You cards and posters to acknowledge teachers and staff who have worked tirelessly over the past two years to educate students during remote learning and to manage the transition back to in-person learning.

These beautiful and heartfelt creations were recently distributed to elementary, middle, and high schools throughout the district.

Kids Coming Together (KCT) is an LWSF program that provides opportunities for local youth to make new friends and connect with their community through free service events led by high school students. All kids in grades 3-8 that are looking to make new friends and/or take part in community service projects are welcome. Recent events include creating Lego bags for Eastside Baby Corner, removing invasive plant species at Big Rock Park, and assembling bouquets and painting canvases for school nurses.

“Seeing a kid make a new friend or show a small act of kindness always puts a smile on my face because friends are so valuable. I want the kids to know that people care about them.” remarks KCT Youth Board Co-President, Abi Burns.

Teens in grades 9 through 12 volunteer as High School leaders and/or can apply to join the Youth Board. These high school leaders work hard to facilitate new social interactions and help encourage conversations, all while working to help our community. 

“I like the fun activities, playing with other kids, helping the community, and working with the High School Leaders! When I go to high school, I want to volunteer as a Leader as well!” says a third grade student from Margaret Mead Elementary School.

Visit to learn more about our Kids Coming Together program and to register for upcoming events.

Bonnie is the Communications and Programs Coordinator for Lake Washington Schools Foundation.

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