Our Work

We aim to provide LWSD students what they need to thrive, both now and in the future.

Parent Chat

Parent Chat

Parent Chat hosts experts in youth mental wellness with webinars and discussions around topics such as anxiety, depression, social media, and more.

Calming Corners

Calming Corners serve as safe spaces within the school environment, intentionally designed to minimize external stimuli and cater to students who may be feeling overwhelmed or dealing with anxiety.

Social Emotional Learning for Parents

Social Emotional Learning for Parents is a hands-on, interactive workshop for parents that can help you improve family relationships and raise resilient kids.

Amazing Reading Challenge

The Amazing Reading Challenge aims to engage elementary school students in a variety of new, diverse texts and compete in teams to answer reading trivia.

Food and Basic Needs Vouchers

Lake Washington Schools Foundation partners with its community partners to provide food and basic needs vouchers to food-insecure families in the district.

Inclusive Libraries

LWSF partners with Lake Washington School District's equity efforts through the commitment of a 5-year grant to increase the diversity of library collections across the district

Overlake Medical Center & Clinics