Amazing Reading Challenge

For the 2024-25 school year, the Lake Washington Schools Foundation has committed $10,000 to help 23 elementary schools purchase books for their annual Amazing Reading Challenge. 

This program aims to engage students grades 3-5 in a variety of new, diverse texts with a range of reading levels. A core group of school librarians work tirelessly to select books, create questions, and plan the logistics of the competition.

With a building-based competition, semi-finals, and final competition, students engage with interesting titles while practicing and enhancing interpersonal skills and reading comprehension.

With LWSF’s grant, schools will have equitable access to funding based on the number of books needed for teams at each school.

Though preparation starts before the school year even begins, promoting the event kicks off in early September, followed by team formation, practices, and competitions concluding mid to late March.

We receive feedback from students, parents, and teachers telling us how much they have enjoyed the book selections and how participation in the program has led to a true love of reading and excitement for diving deep into books.

Edith Brumant, Principal, Horace Mann Elementary School
View footage from the 2023 District Battle in this video, produced by Lake Washington School District:
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