Battle of the Books

LWSF supports academic enrichment and equitable access across the district through the purchase of books and eBooks for the Battle of the Books competition at all LWSD middle schools.

This investment enables over 7,000 students in grades 6-8 to participate in the program each year.

Battle of the Books is a district-wide reading competition that promotes reading comprehension, academic excellence, and cooperative learning and teamwork among students. Every year, district middle school librarians choose 12 books for students to read. The selection of books provides a balance of genres, diversity of characters, and appeals to a variety of students. Battle of the Books allow 6th, 7th, and 8th graders in each school to work together as a team and challenge other schools to correctly answer questions about the selected books. 

Congratulations to all the students participating in Battle of the Books this year; we hope that you find this experience to be enjoyable and enriching to your middle school journey! 

I think the entire school agrees that this is an awesome book because every talks about team Grayson or Jameson. The characters are all so awesome.

Middle School Student speaking about the book The Inheritance Games
View footage from the 2022 District Battle in this video, produced by Lake Washington School District:
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