Summer School Support

LWSF’s commitment to help every student thrive extends beyond the traditional school year. We provide funding to help provide critical resources for vulnerable students in the Lake Washington School District who might otherwise struggle to access summer learning opportunities.

What Summer School Support Offers

Summer school offers more than just academic support—it’s a lifeline that promotes stability, enrichment, and a pathway to a brighter future. Some of the areas we have provided funding for include:

  • Transportation for Students Experiencing Homelessness to ensure that students attend summer classes regularly.
  • Nutritional Support in the form of daily snacks to keep students nourished and engaged in their learning.
  • Enrichment activities for elementary school students at the Title 1 and ESLA summer programs, such as STEM, computer coding, and visits from the Reptile Man, local artists, and the local fire department.
  • Grade Recovery Course Fees to help high school students stay on track toward graduation and achieve their college dreams.

When it comes to education, every student deserves a fair shot at success. We are grateful to all our donors who have stepped up to remove barriers and offer resources to improve the lives of these students.

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